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Pet Loss Website Donations
Your support helps us support others like you
We provide a cybershoulder for people grieving over dead pets, dying pets, sick pets, or lost pets

We have self-financed this pet loss support site since 1996, and will continue to do so regardless of whatever outside help is offered.

Over the years, however, we've been approached by numerous people from around the world who have found great solace here coping with the grief of losing a pet, and now want to ensure lightning-strike.com stays up and running for years to come to help others in need of pet loss grief support.

Currently, the costs to maintain and host this site are around $250/yr.

All member and sponsor donations received go directly back into hosting and maintaining the website. Any overages available after paying for the costs involved to run the site each year will be donated to our local no-kill animal shelter. A running total appears in a pinned post in our pet loss forum.

If you would like to support our pet loss website,
there are two ways you can help...

1. Shop with us at amazon.com

Support our site by shopping at amazon.com

As an affiliate with amazon.com, one of the world's largest online retailers, lightning-strike.com site receives a small percentage of every purchase you make, regardless of what you buy. So whenever you shop at amazon.com, shop with us!

Please bookmark our amazon.com portal and use it for all your purchases there...books, videos, music, electronics, home & garden, tools, and more. You can buy anything, making this type of donation an incredibly easy way to support our site...without ever having to donate a dime Smile...Thank you for helping!

2. Make a cash donation via Paypal

You can donate any amount you wish via paypal.com, a fast and easy online payment website that lets you use your credit card, debit card, even your checking or savings account to make a donation at no additional charge to you. It takes nothing more than a few clicks to get started. Use the "Donate" button above to offer your support now.

Thank you for your support!

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