Pet Loss Support Website
Offering a "cybershoulder" for
pet lovers grieving the
death of a pet, a dying pet,
sick pet, or lost pet

On January 1, 1996, Tribble "Tribby-Dog", a grumpy 19-pound longhair Maine Coon tabby cat lost a short, but hard-fought battle against the odds. For nearly 13 years, he was a great friend. Perhaps the best friend anyone could ever hope to have, animal or human.
Never having felt the pain of pet loss, the weeks following Tribble's death could only be described as pure grief. It's the kind of pain that those who don't love animals could never understand, and one that some people in today's society refuse to even acknowledge.
Our website is called Lightning Strike Pet Loss Support because it provides "lightning-fast" pet loss support and grief counseling for pet lovers grieving over the death of a pet, a dying pet, sick pet, or a lost pet...no matter if they walk, crawl, fly, hop, or swim our great planet.
To date, the site has helped many hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. It's here to provide a "cybershoulder" for pet loss sufferers. At this website you will find
a pet loss forum message board for the exchange of thoughts and feelings...and a pet loss blog with current articles related to pet health and pet loss.
We also have a comprehensive pet loss book listing from amazon.com...as well as a list of other pet death support websites and links you can turn to for further comfort. We invite you to join in the conversation at our popular pet grief support page on facebook.
Thank you for caring so much about your pets.
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